About this notice

The FWC Online Learning Portal (the Portal) is an online learning platform.

This notice explains how the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) collects, uses and discloses personal information in connection with the Portal. This includes personal information collected when you create an account with the Commission to access the Portal, and when you use the Portal. The Commission is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Why we collect your personal information

The Portal has public access pages, and private access pages that are only available to individuals who have created a Commission account to access the Portal. Some learning modules will be accessible without the need to create a user account. Other modules will require users to create or log into an account.

Users will need to provide their full name, and email address and may provide the name of their organisation in order to create an account. Users will be required to create a password.

Creating an account with the Commission enables users to keep track of their progress in a module, access certificates of completion (personal use), as well as download select learning modules and other digital material for inclusion in an organisation’s own learning management system (workplace use). If users do not provide this information, they will not be able to save their progress in a module, access certain modules, download and print certificates of completion or download material for workplace use.

The Commission may contact users from time to time using the email they provided to create their account to provide them with information related to the Portal, such as new or updated modules; or to ask for feedback about the Portal.

Disclosure and publication of your personal information

The information the Commission collects to create a user account enables the Commission to track a user’s progress in certain modules. The Commission may use this to cross check that a user has completed modules which may be necessary to grant users access to other modules.

The Portal is hosted by a third-party cloud provider, Being Group International Pty Ltd (Being Group). Being Group (and its subcontractors) is required to use personal information it accesses in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. When users create a Commission account to access the Online Learning Portal, the Portal stores and accesses server addresses and user identity information (including a history of module access and learning progress) in its cloud-based infrastructure. Server addresses and user information are stored in the Commission cloud-based infrastructure and Being Group’s cloud-based infrastructure.

If you have trouble creating or accessing an account, Commission staff and Being Group staff may access your name and email address to verify your account. Commission staff and Being Group staff may also access your name and email address for system maintenance or to address technical malfunctions. In such instances, Commission staff and Being Group staff will not disclose your information to any third party without your permission unless this is required or authorised by law. Your password will not be disclosed to Commission staff, Being Group staff or third parties.

Other collection of information

Where the Portal allows a person to make comments, submit a question or give feedback, the Commission will collect the person’s name, email address, phone number, State/Territory location and any other personal information contained in the comments, questions or feedback. The Commission may use the contact details to respond to the person.

Users may be invited to respond to a survey about a learning module at the conclusion of the module, or at the point they exit the module. Responses to these surveys are stored in a secured database managed within the Portal. All data collected from the survey responses will be fully anonymised and will only be accessible to the Portal’s server administrator and by Commission staff.

The Portal uses cookies to see patterns in usage. A cookie is a small text file the Portal’s server puts on the person’s hard drive, that shows that the person has visited the website more than once. Cookies ‘remember’ the person’s browser between page visits.

When a person visits the Portal, the Commission can view anonymous information about the visit for statistical purposes. This is captured directly by the Portal and/or Google Analytics 4. The following user information is anonymously recorded to analyse and improve general user experience:

a. the operating system (eg Windows, Mac)

b. the top-level domain name (eg .com, .gov, .au, .uk)

c. the date and time

d. the pages looked at, the modules accessed, the activity in a module and documents downloaded

e. when the person last visited the website

f. the browser used (eg Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox)

g. the type of device being used (eg a phone, tablet or personal computer)

h. the link a person used to get to the Portal

i. links a person uses while on the Portal.

Being Group on behalf of the Commission maintains and monitors online security systems to ensure a secure online environment and that the personal information of people using the Portal is appropriately protected during transmission.

When a person is using the Portal, Being Group provides encrypted connections between the browser running on the person’s device and the Portal or services that use third party validated certificates. The encryption process that Being Group uses is Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

For more information

The Commission’s Privacy Policy, available at www.fwc.gov.au, contains information about how you may access and seek correction of your personal information held by the Commission, how you may complain about a breach of your privacy, and how the Commission deals with privacy complaints.

Any concerns or complaints about privacy should first be made in writing to:


Email: privacy@fwc.gov.au
Post: GPO Box 1994, Melbourne VIC 3001.